Five Questions for Christians after the Storming of the Capitol
I shared what follows in a Facebook post late in the evening on January 6 after protestors stormed the Capitol. I decided to publish it this morning on my blog, too. … This is something of a different post than what you’re probably accustomed to today. My hope...Is ‘Jesus Is Lord’ an Untimely Message for the Election?
“Jesus is Lord regardless of who becomes the next President.” “Jesus is still on the throne.” These and similar sentiments have come under fire in recent days. This is understandable. Many people hear or read these statements as a kind of “Jesus juke” or...God’s Law and Our Response in the Wake of the Coronavirus
I’m currently reading through the Old Testament, following a one-year chronological reading plan through scripture. In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, two themes in my reading have jumped off the pages of my Bible: God’s law that required Israel to 1) be...My Newborn Daughter and I Are Not Too Different. Here’s Why.
There’s an intensity right now to her need for a lot of my time, my energy, and my body. She reminds me that we are not that different right now; I, too, am utterly dependent on God the Father.